Newsletter #4

For the past few weeks I have been focusing on perfecting my podcasting skills, something much needed at this point, and I find that there is a long way ahead of me to feel absolutely comfortable with the craft. But I keep at it, as I find podcasting very rewarding and a perfect format to bring in the opinion of others in a relaxed, deeper, and personal manner.

Latest contents

These are my latest podcasts and articles. If you have visited them already, maybe you would like to revisit some of them, if you didn’t know about their existence, I hope you enjoy them.

Thanks again to all of you for having an interest in what I do. Special thanks go to those who decided to become paying members, thanks for supporting me on this platform, and thanks for keeping me motivated to explore more stories out there and bring them to you.

#3 Podcast - Pet photography with Travis Patenaude
In this conversation with the photographer Travis Patenaude, we talk about how to use pictures to advocate for the causes important to you, the impact of visual imagery, how to work with dogs, and the importance of having a point of view when photography.

#4 Podcast - Español. Work with dogs, education, recovery, and the psychology of a galgo.
Hoy hablo con Alberto Piña Rivero, un etólogo y educador de perros de la Fundación Benjamin Mehnert. You can also listen in English to the highlights of this conversation.

#5 Podcast - Aza (F.B.M) Criminology, law, and prosecution of crimes in the galgo world.
Aza studies criminology, and thanks to her direct experience, her understanding of the legal context, we could paint a clear image on this podcast of what can be improved in Spain in relation to the wellbeing of all hunting dogs there.

#6 Podcast - Galgos as therapy dogs with Sherry Mangold
Today´s podcast shows us the power of animal companionship, and the possibilities that working with dogs brings to modern medicine.

Your child on plants! What do you do when your 3,5-year-old tells you that she won’t eat animals?
Food remains not only one of the best remedies for our health, it also promotes animal welfare and reduces our impact on the climate. But becoming a vegetarian or a vegan and remaining healthy is more than just stopping eating animals.

See you next week!

I hope this was useful to you.
If my work has enlarged and enriched you in any way, please consider helping this platform by becoming a member. Your support makes all the difference.